“Exposing the Unspoken: Behind the Power 4 Southern People NOT Southern Company Movement”
A Documentary by Arm in Arm & The People’s Justice Council
Watch the Trailer Below
Enjoyed the documentary? Feeling fired up and ready for change? Here are some next steps you can take:
Share the documentary!
Host your own viewing party with friends, family, and community leaders - let’s get a conversation going!
Attend a meeting with a Public Service Commissioner for your state and share your experience with them.
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Time and time again, the dirty energy economy — the extraction and burning of fossil fuels and nuclear energy — sacrifices those most vulnerable. Profit-obsessed corporations and the politicians who do their bidding use, abuse, and discard our communities. Southern Company is at the root of a system that values shareholders and company CEOs' bottom lines instead of the communities they serve in the Southeast across Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. By weaponizing their influence and resources, they have been able to manipulate legislators to actively deny the climate crisis and dismantle our democracy and reproductive rights. They discard their toxic waste in our backyards and charge us prices we can’t afford. Company money is embedded across each state's legislature, and they are not held accountable. As discussions are taking place about how we transition the U.S. energy future to a system that is just and accessible for all, Southern Company’s practices and the politicians that shield them should be held up as predatory and detrimental to our communities and future.
In June 2022, we launched our campaign against Southern Company because our people are suffering, and we are TIRED! Now it’s time to take it to their front door and build power to TAKE OUR POWER BACK!
Why Southern Company?
Southern Company and their affiliates (Georgia Power, Alabama Power, and Mississippi Power) have been really bad actors in the South for a long time. They have spent money on legislation and legislators that support anti-abortion, anti-voting, anti-climate, anti-democracy. They pollute our groundwater and our air and destroy our communities. To learn more about Southern Company, their predatory practices, and environmental offenses, download our resources Linktree by clicking below.
Spread the word!
Social media is a huge part of the P4SPNSoCo campaign, and you have played a crucial part in making Arm in Arm who we are today. You’ve helped us build an unstoppable movement, uniting people from all walks of life to stand together against injustice. Help spread the word about the campaign. Download the toolkit and start sharing TODAY!
Join the movement!
WE ARE LOOKING ALWAYS ON THE LOOKOUT FOR DEDICATED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP PUSH THE ARM AND ARM MISSION FORWARD. We gather from all over the U.S., from different ethnicities, backgrounds, and genders, to stand up for energy and environmental justice. You can make a difference by volunteering your time and/or talents to the movement. For more information on how you can get involved, fill out our volunteer form below.